Litha: The Height of the Sun’s Power
Welcome to Part Three of our Tarot and the Wheel of the Year series! Today, we’re looking at Litha.
Litha, also known as the Summer Solstice or Midsummer, is the longest day of the year and marks the height of the sun’s power. It falls on or around June 21st in the Northern Hemisphere and is a time of celebration and abundance. The sun is at its zenith, and the earth is bursting with life and vitality. This sabbat is a reminder of the cyclical nature of life, as we acknowledge that from this point forward, the days will begin to shorten as we move toward the darker half of the year.
During Litha, we honor the sun’s life-giving energy and the abundance it provides. This is a time to celebrate the warmth, light, and growth that the sun brings, as well as our own personal growth and achievements. Many ancient cultures held festivals and ceremonies to honor the sun and its life-sustaining power during the Summer Solstice. Several of these traditions are still celebrated today, including the lighting of bonfires, dancing around the maypole, and the gathering of herbs and flowers for their healing properties.
Litha is also a time to reflect on the balance between light and darkness in our lives. The Summer Solstice represents the pinnacle of light, but it is also a reminder that the wheel of the year will continue to turn, and the balance will shift back toward darkness. This is an opportunity to examine the balance between our inner light and shadow, as well as the positive and negative aspects of our lives. By embracing the power of the sun and the lessons of Litha, we can cultivate greater self-awareness, gratitude, and a deeper connection to the cycles of nature.
The Sun Card: Joy and Success
The Sun card in the Tarot is a symbol of joy, success, and vitality. It represents the warmth and light that illuminate our lives, as well as the life-giving energy of the sun. When the Sun card appears in a reading, it often signifies a time of happiness, accomplishment, and celebration.
As the card most associated with Litha and the Summer Solstice, the Sun card embodies the energy of this sabbat. The sun is at its peak during Litha, shining brightly and providing an abundance of warmth and light. This is a time of growth and expansion, both in nature and in our personal lives. Just as the earth is thriving under the sun’s rays, our own lives are filled with opportunities for growth, achievement, and success.
The Sun card encourages us to embrace the light within ourselves and to share our inner radiance with the world. This card invites us to celebrate our accomplishments and to recognize the positive aspects of our lives. It also serves as a reminder of the importance of balance, as the sun’s power begins to wane after the Summer Solstice, signaling the eventual return of darkness.
During Litha, we can work with the energy of the Sun card to cultivate joy, success, and personal growth in our lives. By connecting with the sun’s warmth and light, we can tap into our own inner radiance and celebrate the abundance that this season brings.
The Three of Wands and Queen of Cups
Two Minor Arcana cards associated with Litha are the Three of Wands and the Queen of Cups. Both cards represent aspects of the Summer Solstice’s energy and can provide valuable insights and guidance during this time of celebration and growth.
Three of Wands
The Three of Wands is a card of expansion, exploration, and foresight. It symbolizes a time when one’s hard work and initial efforts have started to bear fruit, and new opportunities begin to emerge. This card encourages us to look to the horizon and consider our long-term goals, as well as to take the necessary steps to achieve them.
During Litha, the Three of Wands reminds us to embrace the sun’s energy and use it to fuel our personal growth and development. This is an ideal time to set new goals and plan for the future, as we are supported by the abundant energy of the Summer Solstice. By connecting with the energy of the Three of Wands, we can harness our creativity and ambition to manifest our desires and expand our horizons.
Queen of Cups
The Queen of Cups is a card of emotional intelligence, intuition, and compassion. She represents the nurturing and empathetic aspects of the water element and encourages us to embrace our emotional selves. This card invites us to develop our intuition, listen to our inner wisdom, and cultivate deep connections with others.
As a card associated with Litha, the Queen of Cups highlights the importance of balancing the fiery energy of the sun with the soothing and nurturing qualities of water. This balance is crucial during the Summer Solstice, as it allows us to grow and thrive without becoming overwhelmed or burnt out. The Queen of Cups encourages us to nurture our relationships and to approach life with empathy and compassion, ensuring that our growth is grounded in emotional wisdom and understanding.
By working with the energies of the Three of Wands and Queen of Cups during Litha, we can create a powerful synergy that supports both our personal growth and emotional well-being. These cards remind us of the importance of balance, expansion, and emotional intelligence as we celebrate the height of the sun’s power and the abundance of the Summer Solstice.
Tarot Spread for Litha: Shining Light on Your Path
This Tarot Spread for Litha is designed to help you harness the sun’s powerful energy during the Summer Solstice and gain insights into your personal growth and development. This spread will help you shine light on your path, highlighting the areas where you can expand and thrive, as well as providing guidance on how to maintain balance and nurture your emotional well-being.
To perform the Litha Tarot Spread, shuffle your tarot deck and lay out the cards in the following pattern:

- The Sun’s Blessings: What positive energy and abundance is the sun bringing into my life at this time?
- Growth and Expansion: In what area of my life am I experiencing the most growth and development?
- Balancing Light and Shadow: How can I maintain balance between the light and darkness within myself?
- Emotional Nurturing: What can I do to nurture my emotional well-being and strengthen my intuition?
- Personal Goals: What goals should I focus on during this time of abundant energy and growth?
- Challenges and Obstacles: What challenges or obstacles may arise as I work towards my goals, and how can I overcome them?
- Lessons from the Sun: What lessons can I learn from the sun’s energy during this time of the Summer Solstice?
Take some time to connect with the energy of Litha and the sun before you begin your reading. Once you’ve laid out the cards, meditate on each one and consider its meaning in relation to the corresponding question. Reflect on the guidance provided by the cards and consider how you can apply this wisdom to your life during this time of growth and abundance.
By using this Litha Tarot Spread, you can gain valuable insights into your personal growth and development, as well as guidance on how to maintain balance and nurture your emotional well-being during the powerful energy of the Summer Solstice.
Ritual: Celebrating the Sun’s Abundance
The Summer Solstice is the perfect time to celebrate the sun’s abundance and give thanks for its life-giving energy. This simple ritual allows you to connect with the energy of Litha and honor the sun’s power, while also focusing on your personal growth and the blessings in your life.
What you’ll need:
- A small altar or sacred space
- Sun-colored candles (yellow, orange, or gold)
- Fresh flowers or herbs, especially those associated with the sun (sunflowers, marigolds, calendula, chamomile, etc.)
- A crystal or stone associated with the sun’s energy (citrine, sunstone, amber, etc.)
- A small bowl of water
- Paper and pen
Begin by setting up your altar or sacred space. Arrange the sun-colored candles, fresh flowers or herbs, and the crystal or stone on your altar. Place the bowl of water nearby. Add The Sun card to the display in a prominent position if you’d like. If you have multiple decks, add as many Sun cards as you want!
Light the candles and take a moment to connect with the sun’s energy. Feel its warmth and light filling your body and your sacred space. Close your eyes and visualize the sun’s rays nourishing the earth and all living beings.
On a piece of paper, write down the areas of your life where you’ve experienced growth and success, as well as any goals or dreams you’d like to manifest during this time of abundant energy. Be specific and detailed in your writing.
When you’ve finished writing, fold the paper and place it in the bowl of water. As the paper absorbs the water, imagine the sun’s energy infusing your intentions with power and vitality.
Hold the crystal or stone in your hands, and silently express your gratitude for the sun’s abundance and the blessings in your life. Ask for guidance and support in manifesting your goals and nurturing your personal growth.
Spend some time in meditation, focusing on the energy of Litha and the sun’s power. Visualize yourself thriving and growing, just like the earth during the Summer Solstice.
When you’re ready, extinguish the candles and thank the sun for its energy and abundance. You may choose to bury the paper in the earth as a symbol of planting your intentions, or let it dry and keep it in a safe place as a reminder of your goals.
By performing this simple ritual, you can celebrate the sun’s abundance and connect with the powerful energy of Litha, while also focusing on your personal growth and the blessings in your life.
Spell: Boosting Confidence and Personal Power
During the Summer Solstice, the sun’s energy is at its peak, making it an ideal time to work on boosting your confidence and personal power. This spell will help you tap into the sun’s vibrant energy and harness it to strengthen your self-esteem and sense of self-worth.
What you’ll need:
- Sun-colored candle (yellow, orange, or gold)
- A small mirror
- Frankincense or orange essential oil
- A crystal or stone associated with confidence and personal power (citrine, sunstone, tiger’s eye, etc.)
- A piece of paper and pen
Begin by setting up your workspace, ensuring it’s quiet and free from distractions. Place the mirror, sun-colored candle, and crystal or stone on a flat surface.
Anoint the candle with a few drops of frankincense or orange essential oil, symbolizing the infusion of energy and confidence into your spell.
Light the candle and take a moment to connect with the sun’s energy. Close your eyes and visualize the sun’s rays filling your body with warmth, light, and power.
On the piece of paper, write down a positive affirmation related to your confidence and personal power. This could be something like, “I am strong, confident, and capable,” or “I embrace my inner power and shine my light brightly.”
Hold the crystal or stone in your hands, and repeat the affirmation out loud several times, feeling the energy of the words and the sun’s power filling your body.
Place the crystal or stone on the mirror and continue repeating the affirmation. As you do so, visualize the mirror reflecting the sun’s energy and your affirmation back to you, amplifying its power and effect.
Continue this process for several minutes, or until you feel a strong sense of confidence and personal power.
When you’re ready, extinguish the candle and thank the sun for its energy and assistance in your spell. Keep the crystal or stone with you, either in a pocket or as a piece of jewelry, as a reminder of your newfound confidence and personal power.
By performing this spell during the Summer Solstice, you can harness the sun’s powerful energy to boost your confidence and personal power, allowing you to shine brightly and embrace your inner strength.
That wraps up another installment of our Tarot and the Wheel of the Year series! Watch for part 4, Lughnasadh, on July 31st!