Part 2- Beltane
Welcome to Part 2 of our series on Tarot and the Wheel of the Year! Normally, the first Monday of the month here at The Fool’s Bag will be a focus on the subject of reversals, but since today is Beltane, we’re instead going to look at Beltane and the Tarot today instead.
Friday was the first post in this series, where we looked at the Wheel of the Year in general, and how we can integrate it with our Tarot practice. Today’s post is the first of eight, each focusing on one specific Sabbat. Happy Beltane, everybody!
What is Beltane?
Beltane, celebrated on May 1st or the eve of May, is arguably the most joyous and vibrant Sabbat in the Wheel of the Year. This ancient festival marks the midpoint between the Spring Equinox and the Summer Solstice, symbolizing the height of spring and the beginning of summer. Beltane is a time of fertility, love, and union, and it is characterized by the celebration of life, passion, and the abundance of nature.
Traditionally, Beltane is a fire festival, and its name is derived from the Celtic word “Bel,” meaning “bright one,” and “teine,” meaning “fire.” The fires of Beltane represent the warmth and light of the sun, as well as the passion and life force within all living beings. Bonfires were often lit during Beltane celebrations, and people would jump over the flames or walk between two fires to cleanse themselves, receive blessings, and encourage fertility in both the land and their personal lives.
The Maypole is one of the most iconic symbols of Beltane, representing the unity of opposites and the fertile power of nature. The intertwining of the ribbons around the pole symbolizes the merging of masculine and feminine energies, creating a harmonious balance that fosters life and growth.
Beltane is an excellent time to focus on love, relationships, and personal growth, as well as a time for embracing the abundant energies of the season. This sabbat encourages us to celebrate life, passion, and the union of all things, allowing us to align ourselves with the vibrant and fertile power of the natural world.
Tarot Cards for Beltane

The Lovers
The Lovers card is the perfect representation of the energies and themes associated with Beltane. As the sixth card in the Major Arcana, it symbolizes love, relationships, and the power of choice. The Lovers card often depicts a man and a woman, with an angel or other divine figure above them, representing the harmonious union of opposites and the importance of balance in our lives.
In a reading, the Lovers card often signifies relationships, romantic partnerships, and connections. It speaks to the importance of making choices based on our values and being guided by our hearts. The Lovers card can also represent the need for balance and harmony in various aspects of our lives, urging us to find unity between our desires and our responsibilities, our hearts, and our minds.
During Beltane, the Lovers card takes on even greater significance, as it embodies the energies of love, passion, and union that are so central to this Sabbat. By working with the Lovers during Beltane, we can deepen our understanding of our relationships, make meaningful choices, and embrace the divine balance that supports life and growth.
In addition to its connection to romantic love, the Lovers card can also represent the union of our inner selves, the merging of our conscious and subconscious minds, and the harmony between our spiritual and physical selves. By exploring these deeper aspects of the Lovers card during Beltane, we can foster personal growth and self-awareness, allowing us to align ourselves with the abundant energies of the season.
The Six of Cups: Nostalgia and Innocence
The Six of Cups represents nostalgia, innocence, and the simple joys of life. This card often signifies happy memories from the past, as well as the importance of reconnecting with our inner child. The Six of Cups encourages us to appreciate the beauty in the world around us, and to approach life with a sense of wonder and open-heartedness.
At Beltane, the Six of Cups can remind us to embrace the playful and joyous energies of the season, and to celebrate the love and connections we have with others. By reconnecting with our inner child and allowing ourselves to experience the world with curiosity and wonder, we can tap into the abundant energies of Beltane and foster a deeper sense of love and connection in our lives.
The Knight of Wands: Passion and Adventure
The Knight of Wands is a dynamic, action-oriented card that represents passion, adventure, and the pursuit of our desires. This card often signifies taking risks, exploring new horizons, and embracing change in order to grow and evolve. The Knight of Wands is a fiery, energetic figure who is not afraid to chase after his dreams and passions.
During Beltane, the Knight of Wands can inspire us to ignite our inner fire and pursue our goals with enthusiasm and courage. By embracing the passionate, adventurous spirit of the Knight of Wands, we can harness the transformative energies of Beltane to fuel our personal growth and create positive change in our lives. This card encourages us to follow our hearts and take bold action in pursuit of our dreams, embodying the fiery essence of this sabbat.
The Four of Wands: Celebration and Harmony
The Four of Wands captures the essence of Beltane with its themes of celebration, harmony, and stability. This card often depicts a scene of joyous celebration, with people gathered around a structure made of four wands, adorned with flowers and garlands—a scene very reminiscent of the May Pole common to this holiday. The Four of Wands signifies a time of happiness, community, and the achievement of goals or milestones.
During Beltane, the Four of Wands can remind us to celebrate our achievements and enjoy the fruits of our labor. It encourages us to gather with our loved ones and community members to share in the joy and abundance life has to offer. The Four of Wands also represents the importance of stability and balance, both in our personal lives and in our relationships with others. This card beautifully echoes the themes of union and harmony that are central to Beltane, urging us to cultivate a strong foundation from which we can grow and thrive.
Tarot Spread for Beltane: Passion and Commitment
This Beltane tarot spread is designed to help you connect with the passionate and committed energies of this sabbat, allowing you to gain insight into your relationships, personal growth, and the pursuit of your desires. By working with this spread, you can align yourself with the powerful forces of love, passion, and transformation that characterize Beltane.
Preparation: Find a quiet and comfortable space where you can perform the reading without distractions. Light a candle or incense, if desired, to create a sacred atmosphere and help you connect with your intuition.
Shuffle the deck and focus on your intention: As you shuffle the tarot cards, focus on your intention for the reading and the energies of Beltane. You may wish to ask for guidance and insight into your relationships, personal growth, or the pursuit of your passions.
Lay out the cards in the following positions:

Card 1: Your current passion or desire This card represents the passion or desire that is currently driving you forward in life, whether it be a relationship, a goal, or a creative pursuit.
Card 2: How to harness the energy of Beltane to support your passion This card offers guidance on how you can tap into the powerful energies of Beltane to fuel your passion and help you achieve your goals.
Card 3: The commitment or decision required from you This card signifies the commitment or decision that you need to make in order to fully embrace your passion and move forward in your life.
Card 4: Potential challenges or obstacles This card reveals any potential challenges or obstacles that may arise as you pursue your passion, and offers guidance on how to overcome them.
Card 5: The outcome or reward of your commitment This card represents the outcome or reward that you can expect as a result of your commitment to your passion, and the ways in which your life may be transformed by your dedication and perseverance.
Interpret the cards: Take your time to interpret each card and consider its meaning in relation to the overall spread. Reflect on the guidance and insights that the cards offer, and consider how you can apply this wisdom to your life during Beltane.
Your current passion or desire
Ritual: Jumping the Balefire for Love and Protection
The balefire is an important element of Beltane celebrations, symbolizing the transformative power of fire and the passionate energy of the season. Jumping the balefire is a traditional ritual that serves as a potent act of love, protection, and renewal. In this adapted ritual, you will create a small, symbolic balefire and jump over it to bring love, protection, and positive change into your life.
You will need:
- A small fireproof container, such as a cauldron or fire pit
- Dry herbs or twigs (e.g., rosemary, sage, or hawthorn) for burning
- A lighter or matches
- A small bowl of water for safety
Prepare the space: Choose a safe, outdoor location for your ritual, ensuring that there is enough space to jump over the small fire without any risk. Cleanse the area and set up your fireproof container in the center. Make sure you have a bowl of water nearby to extinguish the fire if necessary.
Set your intention: Before beginning the ritual, take a moment to reflect on your intentions for jumping the balefire. You may wish to focus on attracting love, strengthening an existing relationship, or seeking protection from negative energies.
Light the balefire: Place the dry herbs or twigs into the fireproof container and carefully light them with a match or lighter. Allow the fire to burn and observe the flames as they dance and flicker, representing the passionate energies of Beltane.
Jump the balefire: When you feel ready, take a deep breath and safely jump over the small fire. As you jump, visualize your intention being carried up with the flames, and feel the transformative power of the fire cleansing and renewing your energy.
Give thanks: After you have completed the jump, take a moment to give thanks to the fire and the energies of Beltane for their guidance and support. Express your gratitude for the love, protection, and positive change that you have invited into your life through this ritual.
Extinguish the fire: Once the ritual is complete, carefully extinguish the fire using the bowl of water, ensuring that all embers are fully extinguished.
Spell: Attracting Love and Deepening Connections
Beltane is a time to celebrate love, passion, and the union of energies. This spell is designed to help you attract love and deepen the connections in your existing relationships. By working with the powerful energies of Beltane, you can invite more love, joy, and harmony into your life.
You will need:
- The Lovers card (or, ideally, a color photocopy/printout of the card)
- A small pink or red candle
- Rose quartz or other love-attracting crystals
- Rose petals or rose essential oil
- A piece of paper and pen (red or pink ink are best, but anything works)
- A small dish or fireproof container
- A lighter or matches
Prepare the space: Find a quiet and comfortable space where you can perform the spell without distractions. You may wish to cleanse the area with incense or sage to create a sacred atmosphere. Set up your candle, crystals, and rose petals or essential oil on your altar or table. Position The Lovers card in a prominent spot, either flat on the table at the center of your work area, or lean it upright against an object or in a small display stand. (Be careful about candle wax and flames around your card, of course! You can make a photocopy or even use your phone to display an image, and it’ll work just the same and keep your actual cards safe.)
Set your intention: Before beginning the spell, take a moment to reflect on your intention. You may wish to attract a new romantic partner, deepen the connection with your current partner, or invite more love and harmony into your life in general.
Anoint the candle: If you’re using rose essential oil, anoint the candle with a few drops of the oil, starting at the top and working your way to the base. If you’re using rose petals, simply place a few petals around the base of the candle. If you’re using a disposable copy of the card, anoint that with the oil as well. As you anoint the candle, visualize your intention for love and deepened connections.
Write your intention: On the piece of paper, write down your intention in a clear and concise statement. For example, “I attract a loving and supportive partner” or “My relationship with [partner’s name] deepens and strengthens.” Fold the paper three times and place it beneath the candle. (Note: if you’re using a disposable copy of the card, you could use the back of that to write your intention on!)
Light the candle: Light the pink or red candle, and as you do so, visualize the flame burning brightly with the energy of love and passion. Say the following incantation, or create your own:
“Beltane’s fire, burn bright and true,
Attract the love that’s meant for you.
With passion’s flame and love’s sweet kiss,
Bring to my life love’s perfect bliss.”
Meditate and visualize: Spend some time meditating on the candle’s flame, visualizing your intention for love and deepened connections manifesting in your life. Imagine yourself surrounded by love, happiness, and harmony in your relationships.
Close the spell: When you feel ready, thank the energies of Beltane and the elements for their support in your spell. Allow the candle to burn down completely in the fireproof container, or snuff it out if you need to leave it unattended.
Dispose of the remains: Once the candle has burned down, take the remains, including the folded paper, and bury them in the earth, symbolizing the planting of seeds for love and deepened connections to grow and flourish in your life.
A note about love spells: If you haven’t studied magick before, you’ll notice the spell above focuses on finding the right person and drawing them to you. Standard magickal ethics state we should never do a love spell aimed at a specific person. Person-specific love spells are manipulative magick, which many traditions forbid, or at least frown upon. And even those who do allow manipulative spells as part of their magickal practice generally understand that doing love magick on a specific person will only backfire eventually.
That’s it for Part 2 of our Tarot and the Wheel of the Year series! Watch for the next installment, Litha, on Friday, June 16th!